In 1947 when Bob Jones University moved to Greenville, there was a large, effective church called Bible Presbyterian Church located on Augusta Road. This church was part of the Bible Presbyterian movement led by Dr. Carl McIntire. After several years there was a schism in the church. One group left to found the First Independent Presbyterian Church meeting in a house on Stone Avenue. A larger group became Augusta Road Presbyterian Church, PCA, and was pastored by Rev. Alfred Mersman.
The beginnings of Faith Presbyterian Church
Things became rocky for Pastor Mersman when the official board refused his leadership. He attempted to resign early in 1972, but the membership refused to accept his resignation. He resigned later that year and left the pulpit. At that time about 80 members left also, meeting at the Piedmont Natural Gas company and calling themselves Faith Presbyterian Church with Rev. Mersman as pastor.
Moving to Sharon Drive
Shortly thereafter they moved the meeting place to the Seventh Day Adventist Church on East North Street where they remained until the Adventists had repairs to make which required them to work on Sunday. The church then moved briefly to Wade Hampton High School and then to Duncan Chapel Elementary School near Furman University. In 1976 the church purchased a modified house on a 3-acre property on Sharon Drive. Pastor Mersman resigned at this time. A number of BJU faculty filled the pulpit as well as visiting preachers from out of town.
Introduction to the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster
In 1977, when Dr. Paisley came to BJU for Bible Conference, the church elders requested a special meeting with him. The elders unanimously petitioned Dr. Paisley, asking that Faith Presbyterian Church become a member of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster. Upon acceptance, the church name was changed to Faith Free Presbyterian Church.
Although Faith Free Presbyterian Church was not the first Free Presbyterian Church in North America (that award goes to Toronto FPC), it was the first Free Presbyterian Church in Greenville and in the USA.
Our first minister
For at least two years the pulpit was supplied by Free Presbyterian ministers who would stay for a month or two. In 1978-79 Rev. Alan Cairns came for two months to fill the pulpit, after which the church extended a call to him. Dr. Cairns came to this fledgling, tiny work in Greenville in 1980. Dr. Cairns continued his ministry in Faith Free Presbyterian Church until 2009. Dr. Cairns was known for his powerful preaching and theological acumen, helping to shape the church’s identity and influence in the community. Under his leadership, the church grew in both numbers and spiritual depth, adding a seminary to its ministry.
From 2009–2017, Rev. Colin Mercer served as Senior Minister, and since January 2019, Rev. Armen Thomassian has been Senior Minister. The church continues its witness on Haywood Road, Greenville, endeavoring to remain true to its roots and to preach the gospel to the hearts of God’s people and the spiritual needs of lost souls.