Kids Ministry

As you read through the gospels, one of the most remarkable accounts occurs when Jesus rebukes His disciples for trying to prevent people from bringing their children to Him (Mark 10:13–16). It is easy for us to do the same, by ignoring children, or by withholding Bible teaching from them until we think they are old enough, or by being harsh and unrealistic in our expectations, etc, etc.

God loves children, and we believe it is our privilege to reflect that love. Here are 7 things you and your children will love about Faith:

1. Rooms for Moms and a Safe Nursery

At Faith, we love having children in the church services, and if parents prefer to take care of their own infants, we fully support that decision. We also realize children get unsettled and need to be taken out of the service, and so we have side rooms for moms to  see and hear the service while they nurse and calm their little ones.

However, there is a place for nursery services as well. Whether you just want the help to enjoy the service yourself, or if you are trying to train another young child to sit in church, a little help can go a long way. For that reason, we have teams of dedicated individuals on rotation to take care of 0-2 year olds during our Sunday services and Wednesday prayer meeting. All our volunteers have had background checks and are trained to follow strict protocols of care for minors.

2. Practical Sunday School Lessons

Except for a few weeks in the summer, Faith offers age-specific Sunday School classes. These classes start with simple Bible lessons for 3 year olds. By the time they get to Grade 7–8, their teacher will be one of our elders, and they will spend one year learning to see Christ in the Old Testament, and one year getting an overview of every New Testament book. The high schoolers are taught by another elder, and they will slowly work their way through Galatians and 1 John.

Throughout the entire time, there will be ongoing Scripture memorization, and memorization of the Child’s Catechism and Westminster Shorter Catechism.

3. Youth Fellowship Meetings

On the last Friday evening of each month, our 13-18 year olds meeting for food, games, and biblical instruction. There is nothing quite like seeing teenagers flourish in their love for God and one another, and to watch them mature in their understanding. On occasions, this group will also get together for hikes and other adventures, including helping seniors with various projects.

4. Sunday Evening Fellowship

Our church offers a meal every Sunday evening. This commenced not as an idea from an adult, but because some of our children didn’t want to leave church after the Sunday evening service, and so parents began to bring food with them. The bonds created during times like this cannot be quantified. The children learn to love the company of those who love God.

Renowned pastor and theologian, Sinclair Ferguson, was once asked how to get children to love the church. His answer was to take your children to a church with an evening service. It is after the evening service where friendships are built, and children learn that church is more than singing, prayers, sermons. It is also about fellowship with God’s people.

5. Annual Vacation Bible School

Every year in June we host a Vacation Bible School. This is a highlight of the year for all the younger children, and for many of the older children it becomes the first ministry they get to contribute to, teaching them to give back.

Our VBS is open to the community of Greenville, and one of the reasons parents keep coming back is because of the level of instruction and organization put into this event. Your kids will love it, too!

6. Annual Youth Camp

Since 1994, our church has hosted an annual youth camp (13-18 year olds) in July. This week-long camp has been the means of developing the spirituality and character of many young people. Because they are disconnected from regular routine, cut off from phones and internet access, and immersed in God’s Word every morning and evening, it is not uncommon for youth camp to be a pivotal experience in the lives of those who attend.

7. Engaging Expository Preaching

The most transforming church experience for children and young people is the preaching they sit under. If it is deep but dull, they will tune out. If it is appealing but shallow, they are not being properly discipled. The power of Christ’s ministry was they fact that it was profound, meaningful, and captivating. No one ever spoke like Him (John 7:46).

Our pastor expounds books of the Bible, and as he does so, he often addresses the children and young people. As they get a little older, they learn to take notes, and develop a deep understanding of God’s Word.

We hope you will join us this Sunday. Our welcome team looks forward to your visit. If you have any questions, please let us know.