Virtual VBS (22-26 June, 2020)

Why Virtual? Due to the uncertainty created by COVID-19, it was felt that it would be difficult to proceed with our VBS this year. This was not what we wanted and we hope to be able to hold our regular VBS in 2021. But we didn’t want the boys and girls to miss out completely. So we got over our fears of the camera and decided to put together a Virtual VBS for this year!

Update: Friday June 26, 2020
Virtual VBS is over for this year! But you can still participate — the links are below — and send in photos to If you would like to be notified of VBS 2021 (which we hope will be available live and in-person at our church) please enter your email in the form below:

Want To Be Notified of VBS 2021?

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Monday through Friday (June 22-26, 2020) we will release a new video each day. The link will be available on this page. We encourage you to forward this page to others in your neighborhood and beyond. The beauty of this is that friends across the world can join in!

Time: 9:00 AM
Ages: 5 to 12 years of age
Theme: The Parables of Jesus
Details: The Bible lessons will focus on the earthly stories Christ used to teach biblical truths with clear gospel application. The children will also learn verses from the book of Romans to reinforce the message of salvation.

Essential Downloads

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Daily Videos

From June 22-26, each morning at 9:00 AM (ET), we will add the links to the videos below.

Day 1: Now Available

Day 2: Now Available

Day 3: Now Available

Day 4: Now Available

Day 5: Now Available

If you would like more information, please contact our church office at

Finally, you can see some of the pictures sent in so far. Be sure to send yours in 🙂

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