Reformation Weekend 2021

Join us this year for our Reformation Weekend, October 29-31, 2021. Make a note of the schedule today, and join us as we remember the truths that liberated the Western World and beyond.


Pastor Gregory N. Barkman is a well-respected expositor of God’s Word. He first arrived in NC in 1973 at the invitation of 19 believers who wanted to start a new church. He has continued a faithful ministry at Beacon Baptist Church in Burlington NC, since that time, and oversees The Beacon Broadcast radio ministry.

Dr. John Matzko Dr. John Matzko is the Bob Jones University archivist. He is a former chair of the Division of History, Government, and Social Science; has served as prelaw advisor since 1978; and has taught courses on ancient Rome, historiography, American legal history, and historical research and writing.


Friday, 7:00 PM
The Diet of Worms (500th Anniversary) – Dr. John Matzko

Saturday. 8:30 AM (Men’s Breakfast)
The Doctrine that Rocked the Western World – Pastor Barkman

Lord’s Day, 9:30 AM
How the Reformation Changed Our Understanding of History – Dr. John Matzko

Lord’s Day, 11:00 AM
By Grace Alone through Faith Alone – Pastor Barkman

Lord’s Day, 6:00 PM
Imputation: The Foundation of Justification – Pastor Barkman

Sign Up For The Saturday Morning Men’s Breakfast Session

Admission to all sessions of this conference is absolutely free. However, you must fill in the form if you would like to attend the men’s breakfast.
