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Dr. Mark Allison

Dr. Mark Allison has been president of Geneva Reformed Seminary since October 2015. Before becoming president, he was pastor of the Free Presbyterian Church of Malvern, PA (2000-2016), and adjunct professor at GRS, where he lectured in English Bible and Practical Theology. In training for the ministry, he attended two schools: Grand Valley State College in MI and Bob Jones University in SC. He earned a BA in Bible (1976), MA in Bible (1978), Master of Divinity (1980), and a PhD in theology (1985). During his training, he also labored on several state universities with Real Life Ministries. Prior to his becoming pastor in Malvern, he was an assistant to Dr. Alan Cairns at Faith Free Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC (1986-2000), where he also served in the FPCNA seminary as Academic Dean and lectured in Theology, English Bible, Biblical Languages, and Church History. Dr. Allison is currently chairman of the FPCNA Mission Board, and he and the Malvern congregation had an active role in the beginning of the FPC mission work in Liberia. He is heard each Sunday on WFIL Philadelphia, 560am, at 1:00 pm, and he has been a guest on several radio stations in New Jersey, New York, Nevada, California, South Carolina, and Monrovia, Liberia. He and his wife, Charlene, have one daughter, Hannah.

221 Sermon Library by Dr. Mark Allison

Characteristics of Believers

person Dr. Mark Allison
calendar_today December 4, 2006
menu_book Genesis 14:13-24

No Condemnation

person Dr. Mark Allison
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Romans 8:1

Remembering Our Reconciliation

person Dr. Mark Allison
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Ephesians 2

Giving of Great Light

person Dr. Mark Allison
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Isaiah 8:19

The Lord Is My Shepherd

person Dr. Mark Allison
calendar_today January 1, 2000

Be Strong and Courageous

person Dr. Mark Allison
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Joshua 1:6-9

Paul’s Attitude, Life & Death

person Dr. Mark Allison
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Philippians 1:12-26

The Rule Of Peace

person Dr. Mark Allison
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Colossians 3:15

The Lord Our Righteousness

person Dr. Mark Allison
calendar_today February 19, 2015
menu_book John 10

Powerful Name

person Dr. Mark Allison
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book John 18:1-12

Consequence of unbelief

person Dr. Mark Allison
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book John 8:24

1999 Camp Report And Theme

person Dr. Mark Allison
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Jeremiah 9:23-26
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