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James McClelland

6 Sermon Library by James McClelland

Promises of God

person James McClelland
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book 1 Kings 8:54-61

Who Shall Be in Heaven?

person James McClelland
calendar_today January 1, 2000

They That Wait Upon the Lord

person James McClelland
calendar_today January 1, 2000

The Thief’s Cry from the Cross

person James McClelland
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Luke 23:32-28

Spiritual Check-Up

person James McClelland
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book John 21:15-17

What Think Ye of Christ?

person James McClelland
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Matthew 25:1-13