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Rev. Ian McVeigh

15 Sermon Library by Rev. Ian McVeigh


person Rev. Ian McVeigh
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Proverbs 18:24

Gathering Together

person Rev. Ian McVeigh
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Hebrews 13

The Lamb of God

person Rev. Ian McVeigh
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Revelation 5

God’s Consciousness

person Rev. Ian McVeigh
calendar_today January 1, 2000

The Mockery of a Misspent Life

person Rev. Ian McVeigh
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Genesis 19

Redeeming the Time

person Rev. Ian McVeigh
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Ephesians 5

The Voluntary Death

person Rev. Ian McVeigh
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book John 10:1-18

The Death of Christ

person Rev. Ian McVeigh
calendar_today January 1, 2000

The First Sermon on the Second

person Rev. Ian McVeigh
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Jude

Faint, Yet Pursuing

person Rev. Ian McVeigh
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book Judges 8

Jesus Christ, Great Divider

person Rev. Ian McVeigh
calendar_today January 1, 2000
menu_book John 7:37

Laying Hold on Life Eternal

person Rev. Ian McVeigh
calendar_today January 1, 2000