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Rev. Ivan Foster
Ivan Foster retired from the pastorate in November 2008. He has laboured chiefly in Fermanagh and Tyrone as an Evangelist and Pastor since 1967. Under his ministry, souls have been saved and new churches founded. Mr. Foster, a former member of Omagh District Council and the Northern Ireland Assembly, believes it is essential for Christians to actively strive for the preservation of civil and religious liberty. Such striving must be done in the knowledge that only by national repentance and a return to God and Biblical Protestantism can Ulster be saved.
31 Sermon Library by Rev. Ivan Foster
Those Banned from Heaven
Rev. Ivan Foster
Tasting Christ
Rev. Ivan Foster
What Is Sin?
Rev. Ivan Foster
Priority of the Home
Rev. Ivan Foster
God’s Message to Eli
Rev. Ivan Foster
Discipline and Deliverance
Rev. Ivan Foster
Rearing And Educating Children
Rev. Ivan Foster
Tragedy Of Lost Opportunity
Rev. Ivan Foster
Detaining The Lord
Rev. Ivan Foster
Calling Upon The Lord
Rev. Ivan Foster
Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Rev. Ivan Foster
Naaman said “I thought”
Rev. Ivan Foster