What We Believe


Upholding the Reformed Faith in Greenville

Faith Free Presbyterian Church is committed to the Scriptures in all doctrine and practice. We recognize that we cannot know God, obey God, or proclaim God’s Word without a careful consideration of what God has revealed. As a church which adheres to the Westminster Confession and the Larger and Shorter Catechism, those documents reflect our doctrine and practice. However, the following articles expand on some important areas of doctrine.



What we believe about the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

  1. Inspiration of Scripture
  2. Inerrancy of Scripture
  3. Sufficiency of Scripture
  4. Authority of Scripture



What we believe about God, the Trinity, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

  1. Attributes of God
  2. The Sovereignty of God
  3. The Trinity
  4. The Incarnate Son



What we believe about man, his creation, purpose, fall, and redemption.

  1. The Creation of Man
  2. The Image of God in Man
  3. The Fall of Man
  4. Federal Headship



What we believe the Bible teaches about the doctrine of salvation.

  1. Election
  2. Justification
  3. Adoption
  4. Sanctification


The Church

What we believe about the Church, as revealed in the Word of God.

  1. Its Government
  2. Its Sacraments
  3. Its Worship
  4. Its Mission


Last Things

What we believe the Bible teaches about issues relating to last things.

  1. Personal Eschatology
  2. General Eschatology
  3. Corporate Eschatology
  4. Apocalyptic Eschatology

Got questions?

We would love to assist you.

Office hours are Monday to Friday, 9 AM – 1 PM.