Background, Beliefs, and Affiliations

Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here, whether you’re just browsing or seriously considering joining our community. We’d love to share a bit of our story with you—a story of suffering, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A Reformed Church in Greenville with a Thrilling History

God Came Down: A Documentary on the 60th Anniversary of the Free Presbyterian Church

Faith Free Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Free Presbyterian Church of North America, an association of reformed congregations established from the vision and ministry of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster (Northern Ireland). That church was formed in 1951 as a testimony to the historic faith of Presbyterians, a faith that emphasized the inspiration and authority of Scripture against the liberal, rationalist infidelity that had made serious inroads into Presbyterianism in Ireland and many other places.

God used the conflict against liberalism in the 20th century to establish several faithful denominations that have gone on to spread throughout the world. By the grace and help of God, the Free Presbyterian Church has works and missionaries in the United Kingdom, Ireland, USA, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Jamaica, Australia, Korea, Kenya, Liberia, Uganda, Nepal, and Dominican Republic. We are thankful to God for the family of churches and mission works that exists and desire that the kingdom of Christ would be advanced, not only through our own endeavors, but by every faithful preacher of the gospel.

What does “Free” mean?

Put simply, the original founders of the denomination broke free from a Presbyterian church which had left its doctrinal roots, accepting within its leadership those that openly espoused heresy.

To this day, we remain free from associations that obscure and hinder the plain message of the gospel and from any groups that have departed from the authority of Scripture.

If you’d like to get an idea of what we’re like, aside from actually visiting in person, the next best thing to do is to listen to a few of our sermons. That will help you to see the high place Scripture holds in the heart of each member.

What we teach

The oversight of our congregation together with the oversight of the whole denomination, subscribe to the theology of the Westminster Standards (the Confession, the Larger Catechism, and the Shorter Catechism).

While we maintain that Scripture holds the supreme authority, we believe that these documents are helpful in teaching the substance of scriptural truth on major points of doctrine.

Thus, since Scripture is our ultimate authority, we have been willing to modify the Confessional statements in a few places to adequately address the concerns and needs of the church in our own day (our denomination’s Book of Church Order contains the version of the Confession to which our ministers and elders subscribe).

One of the most unusual changes for a Presbyterian denomination, is that we maintain an open policy on baptism, i.e. each believer may have their children baptized, or to wait until a profession of faith. This allows those involved in the church to hold to a Reformed Baptist position on baptism rather than a classic Presbyterian position. Given how much division this doctrine has brought to the church, the FPCNA endeavors to promote unity within the kingdom of Christ on this matter.

A Vision for the Future

Churches and mission stations continue to be established and strengthened. In recent years we have witnessed a tremendous interest in Latin America, including young men from Mexico training for ministry at Geneva Reformed Seminary. Our own congregation has also planted a new work in northern Maine.

Our story is still being written, and we’d love for you to be part of it. Whether you’re looking for a church home, curious about the Christian faith, or simply seeking a place to belong, we invite you to join us. Together, we can continue to build on the foundation laid by those who came before us, standing firm in the truth and sharing the hope of the gospel with a world that so desperately needs it.