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Rev. John Greer
Rev. John Greer is pastor of the Ballymena Free Presbyterian Church and former Moderator of Presbytery in Northern Ireland. Born in County Antrim, Mr. Greer was minister of Sixmilecross Free Presbyterian Church, County Tyrone, before moving to the United States in 1983 to pastor a fledgling church in a suburb of Philadelphia. Prior to moving to the United States he taught New Testament Greek for four years in the Whitefield College of the Bible. He remained in the pastorate in the United States until August 2000 when he was called to his home church in Ballymena. Rev. Greer has also recently returned to the Whitefield College of the Bible to serve as Lecturer of Systematic Theology.
25 Sermon Library by Rev. John Greer

See Christ Tonight
Rev. John Greer

Aaron’s Rod
Rev. John Greer

Are They Before The Throne
Rev. John Greer

Jacob’s View of His Death
Rev. John Greer

The Resurrection of Christ
Rev. John Greer

The Promises of God
Rev. John Greer

The Veil Is Rent
Rev. John Greer

In the Garden with Christ
Rev. John Greer

Joseph of Arimathaea
Rev. John Greer

Justified by His Blood
Rev. John Greer

A Confession of Faith
Rev. John Greer

Direction in Prayer
Rev. John Greer