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Rev. Kyle Paisley

Rev. Kyle Paisley pastors Oulton Broad Free Presbyterian Church in Suffolk, England, and has preached at international conferences. His father was the late Ian Paisley, a pastor, politician, and one of the founding elders of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster in 1951. Kyle Paisley was converted through the testimony of his parents, and found assurance of salvation through John 6:37, after a prolonged struggle with doubt. He was called to the Christian ministry in 1986 and was ordained in 1991. Below are the sermons he has preached at Faith Free Presbyterian Church, Greenville SC.

2 Sermon Library by Rev. Kyle Paisley

Plea to a Blackslidden Church

person Rev. Kyle Paisley
calendar_today March 26, 2012
menu_book Revelation 3:20

Psalm 119:130

person Rev. Kyle Paisley
calendar_today March 25, 2012