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FFPC Family Fellowship
Each month, the families of Faith FPC gather together in a home for some fellowship and to discuss an aspect of practical family life as we seek to raise our children.
Sermon Library: 10
Heralding the Gospel at Home
Rev. Armen Thomassian
Harmonizing Church and Home
Rev. Armen Thomassian
Dwelling Together
Rev. Armen Thomassian
Counsel for Father in Calamity
Rev. Armen Thomassian
Godliness in the Home
Rev. Armen Thomassian
Family Worship
Rev. Armen Thomassian
Role of Fathers
Rev. Armen Thomassian
Boundaries in the Home
Rev. Armen Thomassian
Our Relationship to Time
Rev. Armen Thomassian
Families and the Internet
Rev. Armen Thomassian